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Canada Day Parade

Schedule of Events
9 AM
Set-up - bouncy castles, photo booth, facepainting, BBQ
12:30 PM
All parade floats begin lining up on McGowan Road – organizers will assist in putting floats in order
1:00 PM
Parade Starts! The Parade Depart McGowan Road, proceeds through village, circling village twice
1:30 PM
O Canada sung by all present in both official languages (choir led by Gail Kilkelly to sing from Gazebo)
1:35 PM
Brief remarks from Rejean OBomsawin , Abenaki First Nation from Odanak-Wolinak and representative from Canton/CAG
1:40 PM
​Best Float Prizes awarded from Gazebo, hot dogs and cake served
2:00 PM
Water Ceremony on Georgeville dock led by Rejean OBomsawin , Abenaki First Nation from Odanak-Wolinak
3:00 PM
Family Softball Game in baseball field in front of Murray Memorial Centre (no parking at Hall please)
For more information or if you have questions please contact Hugh Scott: or 613-301-4594
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